Creating memorable, hand-crafted motorcycle tours for over twentyfive years

Many thanks for all the effort you and Carly put into making it such a special and successful trip.

Coming home to snow, sub zero conditions, and being back to work, we are really missing NZ.
I visited a Rotary club last week and the guest speaker was a Kiwi scholar who showed slides of her home, where she studied and worked, and then finished off with a travelogue of the South Island. I felt quite homesick. Every slide I watched, we had visited. I kept saying to the others at the table ‘That’s Mount Cook/Southern Alps/Milford Sound/Queenstown’ and ‘we
rode/helicoptered/jet-boated over that last week’.

The best of it is we now have our photos back and we can look back on what really was a holiday to remember. However, of all the amazing sights we saw the most memorable for me was the view from the water–tower.

Many thanks for all the effort you and Carly put into making it such a special and successful trip. I don’t think we thanked you enough from day to day but I hope you know how much we appreciated everything you did for us.

David and Davina Robertson
Best Value Guided Tour