In making flight arrangements where exactly do I have to fly into and exactly what dates and times do I need to know?
Plan, ( at a minimum) to arrive on the earliest am arrival on 2 days before your tour departs (e.g. 6.30am arrival on the Saturday if your tour leaves on Monday am). Departure is recommended for the late afternoon/evening the day after your tour finishes. However, if you can, leave a couple of days spare at the end of your tour for a few last idyllic days relaxing on a farmstay just out of Nelson – it’s a great way to wind down before bravely riding once again into the Valley of Death… 🙂
Just get yourself to Auckland and let me know your flight details. I will co-ordinate and book the transfers into and out of Nelson for you. I can get them at a better rate than you can, plus I like to co-ordinate the arrival of our clients into Nelson – I can then do a better of job of picking you up and getting you to your pre-tour accommodation. We will settle up the cost of the internal flights upon your arrival.