What is the availability of hiring biking clothes, or is it best to bring our own, I’m thinking more of helmets.
We do have a full range of riding gear… except for boots (too hard, too many choices, preferences etc). It is definitely best to bring your own as you’ll save yourself some bucks. All of our gear is very good and we aim to keep it in tip top condition. This means we must replace it regularly – for example, a helmet gets to look (and smell) very second hand very quickly ( I’m fussy where I put my head…. as I assume most people are). The nuts and bolts of it all is that we have to charge a fair amount for it, so something like a helmet is NZ$10 to $15 per day, a one piece rainsuit is $15 per day, a leather jacket $15 per day, a Goretex/Cordura fully armoured all weather jacket is $25 per day… This can add up over 10-12 days for 2 people so unless you have a very good reason not to bring your own……